Chakra diet according to Ayurveda
In the Ayurvedic tradition, the chakras are the main energy centers in the body.
There are seven of them and they are associated with different physical, emotional, creative and spiritual characteristics.
There are seven of them and they are associated with different physical, emotional, creative and spiritual characteristics.
Chakra energies can be affected by the food we eat – and below we explain exactly how.

How food affects the chakras?
The chakra diet divides foods into three subgroups: sattvic, rajasic and tamasic.
Sattvic food, also called non-impact food, keeps the body neutral.
Rajasic is the food that has a certain moment of impact.
Tamasic makes a person negative and heavy.
Each of these food groups can relate to and interact with the energy state of the chakras.
The seven chakras and the foods that affect them
First Chakra: Muladhara
Muladhara is associated with the physical body and natural urges. Such are hunger and thirst, as well as any other desire that arises from the physical body.
It is important that the diet designed to nourish the body and nourish Muladhara:
- Foods with high energy value strengthen the chakra.
- Foods with a strong smell and rich taste are recommended for Muladhara.
- Bread, vegetables and meat products have an impact on it.
- The food that balances it is chosen depending on the degree of imbalance.
- Its purification and activation are related to the application of different types of fasting.
- Meat and alcohol have a negative effect on Muladhara.
Second Chakra: Svadhisthana
The second chakra affects consciousness and its functions. All negative and positive emotions are born under her influence.
Emotions such as fear, hatred, anger and aggression are the result of weakening Svadhisthana.
- The action of the second chakra can be balanced by adding spices to the food.
- Spices with strong smell, taste and action are suitable.
- Cinnamon, cardamom, bay leaf, saffron, cumin, mustard seeds, etc. restore the normal functioning of Svadhisthana.
- Black tea and coffee are not good for this chakra.
Third Chakra: Manipura
Manipura is associated with enhancing mental activity and overcoming the body’s natural urges. As a result, one becomes more aware and expands one’s choices.
The power needed to make decisions is influenced by Manipura.
- The balance of the third chakra is maintained by adding fats, dairy products and oils to the diet.
- Manipur requires the food to be of a certain quality and the quantity to be gradually reduced until it reaches the minimum possible.
- The best food to correct and nourish Manipura is ghee oil.
Fourth Chakra: Anahata
Under the influence of the fourth chakra, imagination and dreams become vision and determination.
Together with the first three chakras, it is closely related to the physical dimension of the body, which, after undergoing a certain transformation, affects the spiritual dimensions.
- Foods that stimulate or suppress the nervous system are not suitable for activating this chakra.
- Contraindicated for it are garlic, onions, alcohol and drugs.
- The best foods for Anahata are honey and ghee, as they control the nervous system.
Fifth Chakra: Vishuddha
Vishuddha is in the throat and under its influence self-realization is enhanced.
Thus the desires associated with the material world begin to be experienced as insignificant.
- The diet is standardized, because the body does not need different types of food.
- The body develops such sensitivity that it does not need different tastes.
Sixth and Seventh Chakras: Ajna and Sahasrara
The sixth chakra is Ajna and the seventh is Sahasrara. They represent the highest degree of transformation, in which a person almost forgets about the material aspect of his body and acquires the ability to reach the level of pure consciousness.
At this stage, the diet becomes an essential part of life.
Foods and their effect on the chakras: table
Below you will find more details about foods, their categorization according to Ayurveda and their effect on the chakras..
All fruits, such as apple, kiwi, apricot, mango, papaya, apple, plum, apricot, Japanese medlar, mandarin, banana, lychee, pomegranate, cantaloupe, mango, papaya, cherry, melon, nectarine, blueberry, orange, grapefruit, watermelon, pineapple, grapes, peach, plum, guava, pear, persimmon. All types of vegetables: artichoke, eggplant, lettuce, beets, mustard, leafy vegetables, asparagus, daikon, onions, garden bile, fennel, maitake, parsnips, bok choy, peas, broccoli, green beans, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, kale, radishes, cabbage, leeks, oil beans, shallots, carrots, celery, spinach, cauliflower, chard, chanterelle, sprouts, corn, squash, shiitake, mushrooms, watercress, turnips, yams
All kinds of spices, such as garlic and onion, asafoetida (hing), coriander, basil, cumin, nutmeg, pepper, fennel, parsley, cardamom, fenugreek, turmeric, cinnamon, sprouts, ginger and meat products, and all kinds of fat
All types of alcohol and drugs