Ways of preparing food
In Ayurveda, cooked food should make up about 70% of the total amount of food consumed.
When properly prepared, it helps in easier digestion, gives the body more energy and strength.
There are different ways of preparing food, which according to their influence on the body correspond to the different body types of Prakruti.

Dry heat treatment
The food is prepared without the use of water
The food is prepared without the use of water
Oven cooking
The food is prepared by convector heating
The food is prepared by convector heating
Steam cooking
The food is prepared on steam, separated from boiling water
The food is prepared on steam, separated from boiling water
The food is prepared over coals or over an open fire
The food is prepared over coals or over an open fire
The food is prepared in direct heat - sealed on the outside and cooked in the juice that remains inside
The food is prepared in direct heat - sealed on the outside and cooked in the juice that remains inside
The food is cooked with warm water
The food is cooked with warm water
The food is prepared with a large amount of liquid
The food is prepared with a large amount of liquid
Shallow frying
Heat the oil or fat enough, then add the food
Heat the oil or fat enough, then add the food
Deep frying
Foods are fried in a large amount of hot oil
Foods are fried in a large amount of hot oil
Barbecue cooking
Usually the products are marinated in advance with spices and softeners (for meat)
Usually the products are marinated in advance with spices and softeners (for meat)
Baking with pouring
Cooking is usually associated with baking over a direct fire
Cooking is usually associated with baking over a direct fire
Suitable for body types Vata, Pitta and Kapha. A good method for making bread. Requires the use of fat. Recommended for breakfast.
This method is suitable for the body type Kapha. People of the Pitta and Vata types should add to the baked food and fat.
Suitable method for body types Vata and Pitta. Recommended during the summer season. Lunch is always steamed.
People of the body types Kapha and Pitta can use this method more often.
People of the Pitta and Kapha body types can use this method of cooking more often. Best for cooking in the fall. People of the Pitta type can apply this method most often.
A suitable way to prepare lunch for body type Vata. The best season to apply this method is summer.
Suitable for body type Vata. The best season to apply this method is summer.
Suitable method for preparing food for people of the Vata and Pitta types. Can be used regardless of the season.
Suitable only for people of the Vata type. Used to prepare dinner.
Suitable for all body types and in all situations. Dinner should be prepared more often this way.
Suitable for all body types and in all situations. Dinner should be prepared this way. Pouring with sauce or oil is the best method of cooking in winter and spring.